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The storyline has been condensed down so that there seems to be a lack of material to fill the episodes. At times the set-bound adventures look like they should be taking place on a stage in some cheesy theatrical production certainly the costumes and in particular the look of the monsters is quite ridiculous. This is closer to IN THE NAME OF THE KING than LORD OF THE RINGS, and in every single episode the lack of a decent budget is more than apparent. What I got was a TV series that verges on the amateur.

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I'd hoped for something intelligent and authentic, maybe along the lines of GAME OF THRONES, although of course I wasn't foolish enough to expect anything approaching the quality of that production. The stories haven't stayed with me so it was as if I came to this series feeling fresh. “A great storyteller, Terry Brooks creates rich epics filled with mystery, magic, and memorable characters.Review of Season One: I watched THE SHANNARA CHRONICLES mainly because I'm a fantasy fan and I vaguely remember reading the books some twenty or so years ago. “If Tolkien is the grandfather of modern fantasy, Terry Brooks is its favorite uncle.”-Peter V. “Shannara was one of my favorite fictional worlds growing up, and I look forward to many return trips.”-Karen Russell, author of Swamplandia!

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Only Wil Ohmsford, the last of the Shannara bloodline, has the power to guard the Elven Princess Amberle on a perilous quest to the save the world, while the leader of the Demon force aims to stop their mission at any cost. A horde of evil Demons is beginning to escape and bring death upon the land.

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Thousands of years after the destruction of the age of man and science, new races and magic now rule the world, but an imminent danger threatens.

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